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Liz treats every cat she looks after as though it were her own. When our kitten Minou became ill while we were away Liz took her to the vet, paid her extra visits and supervised her medication. She was brilliant at communicating and reassuring us. We knew that Minou was in the most capable, conscientious and loving hands. Now Minou is all grown up Liz loves her almost as much as we do.


We have been very happy with the service both Liz & her predecessor Wendy have provided. Our cats have always been very well looked after when we've been away. 

Liz is a lovely caring lady who likes to give them all lots of extra cuddles too!

"If you are reading this and wondering whether to ask Liz Mott to look after your cat while you're away then you should not hesitate to do so. We know that Boz is in safe hands with Liz. We know she doesn't just come and feed him and attend to the cat litter, she spends time with him and plays with him when she visits. She is concerned for his welfare and she doesn't mind us texting her regularly while we're away to check on how he is. One time, when our flight was delayed, we asked her to feed him because we wouldn't be back on schedule and she was happy to do so. We can see that Boz really loves her and it makes us more confident (and less guilty!) to leave him."

The hardest part about going away is leaving our cats, but knowing that Liz is in charge gives us peace of mind. She doesn't just dash in and feed them, but stops to brush them, play with them, and give them some love. One of our cats was very ill when we were abroad, and Liz really went the extra mile to ensure we were consulted about his treatment and kept us informed of his progress. We always get a text or two and a photograph whilst we are gone, and it's so reassuring to know that all is well at home and the cats are in safe hands. 

If you need a cat sitter, then don't hesitate to book Liz - she will love and cherish your cat as much as you do. You'll be able to go away knowing that your cat is safe, and in capable hands.

Liz has been looking after Boris and Waffles for nearly a year now. It is a great relief to know that they are in good hands and with someone who is really sensible if anything untoward was to need attention. The cats respond well to her and have taken to sitting on her shoulders which indicates a large degree of trust on both sides!

On many occasions Liz has looked after my Bengal cat Tazzy with great care and affection for this beautiful but high maintenance breed.  Liz has been brilliant with him and has looked after him like one of her own.  I would highly recommend her to look after your cat so you can be relaxed knowing they are in excellent care

Our Dearest Cat Lady Liz!! What would we do without her?!! Not only feeding but loving Barney and Bilbo whilst we've been away. She is adored, they both sit by the front door awaiting her arrival! Utterly reliable, thorough in her caring, not only in the day to day but 
also in the moments of special need, as was the visit to the vet.  Not only in the cat world is she a star but also in the human. When our water pipe burst, no, I didn't have to rush back from California, Liz dealt with it!! Cats get loved and fed, plants get watered, homes don't feel neglected when returned to, details are dealt with, and all with great aplomb. We all need her in our lives!

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